So many times we find ourselves faced with
justifying our own needs in order to make it look right and thus removing our
own blame or guilt in the process. That
is why we justify after all. We have a
tendency to want to bend the will of God more than bending TO the will of God. Sometimes it really looks like it is the will
of God when in fact it is not.
Point in case.. I use to attend a church where I
wanted to get involved in the ministries there to use the gifts and talents the
Lord has seen fit to bless me with. Naturally you would think that because it’s
all about God that it would be easy to do but when it’s not the will of God it
will not flow..and it didn’t flow. It was like trying to tread uphill in a
raging river. You may get to take a few steps but then it’s going to tire you
out and frustrate you. The more you keep
trying the more tired and weary you become. Then one day you look behind you
and see that you’re just not getting anywhere. You’re still stuck in the middle
of the river and now you’re just worn out from trying so hard.
Sound familiar in an area of your life?
think we experience this many times over in many areas of our lives whether at
work, home, church, etc. The common
denominator is that “I tried” always seems to surface in each equation.
Now let me share something that I’ve
learned.. when God is in it.. YOU don’t have to work so hard at it. You just have to be willing to let your
“self” go and allow God move you and move in you. When I finally looked at how hard this battle
was, it was then that I realized that I wasn’t bending TO the will of God but
was actually trying to bend the will of God. When I stopped and surrendered ALL
of my desires in every area of my life, it was then that God was able to bring
me to the place He wanted me to be and you know what happened? I didn’t have to try hard for anything! God
brought people and ministries to me.
The very thing I was struggling so hard
with before just began to flow. I found myself in the same raging river but
this time I was being lifted up and carried down the river to the beautiful and
vast wide ocean of the unknown. Normally the unknown can be quite scary but
when God is leading, it’s beautiful because you know that He is in control.
is God that directs that currents flow and we can choose to go against it by trying
to bend the will of God for our lives or we can choose to go with it and allow
Him to lift us back up and carry us downstream into His glorious plan. The choice is yours.
Are you bending TO the will of God or trying
to bend the will of God in your life?
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