October 13, 2013

Seek Ye FIRST...

So many times in life we go searching for what we want or think that we should have instead of waiting but what does scripture tell us?

The Lord tells us in Matthew 6:33..

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” 

One of the problems in the world today is that we do not seek the Lord first.  We go off on our own little path with a head and heart full of desires, wants and even needs but we make a crucial mistake. We are selfishly seeking for our own gain instead of seeking God first so that He can bless us with those things He desires for us.  We tend to get ahead of ourselves and what happens is that we end up leaving God out of His own plan.  We don’t know what’s best for us even though we may think that we do at the time.  Not knowing what is best for us is actually good for us because it means that we need to seek the counsel of the Lord in order to obtain a righteous standing in His eyes. 

If we truly want to find favor with God, we need to be obedient. His word is in our hands for a reason.  It teaches us, guides us, directs our paths and helps us to grow to the desired level to achieve everything He wants for us and so much more.

If we are not seeing blessings flow in our lives it may be because we are self-seeking worldly pleasures and comforts rather than seeking the God of heaven and earth for all that we need. 

Seek Ye FIRST and his righteousness and ALL these things shall be added unto you. 

The scripture is clearly laid out and speaks volumes to us about how to obtain a healthy, wealthy and spiritually sound heart, mind and life.  We need to stop self-seeking and turn our hearts back to the Lord and let Him be the Father he desires to be to His children.
Something amazing tends to happen when we let go and let God work for us.  The stress eases up and eventually goes away, the smile returns, our voice softens towards others, understanding, wisdom and knowledge return in all clarity and our energy returns.  Headaches cease, back pain ceases and even in times of sickness and hardships we can still rejoice and say, “all is well”.  Why?  Because fear has left us and peace has come in its place.  
Assurance that Jesus is with us now buries itself deep within our mind.  Knowing God is in control gives comfort and belief that, “this too shall pass” and we will be made stronger in our faith as well as having an increase in strength both mentally and physically.
In closing..  speak to that mountain and tell it to move but do it with God’s strength and not your own. 
Seek Jesus!
Let Him come to you and bring about all of His goodness, mercy and grace.  You will find that everything He has for you will just begin to flow.  You may be in a dry place in your life but it doesn’t mean that your bones have to dry up with it.  You can be nourished and replenished through His word and have a peace that surpasses all understand during the dry times of life.
Dry times are meant for growth. 
Go to the Lord in prayer and see what He has for you.  If you’re in a dry time, listen.. it may just be that He is desiring to teach you something new to bring you to the next level in your life as well as stepping up in your faith and believing. 
Waiting doesn’t mean doing nothing but it does mean rejoicing while you wait.  
Thank Him daily for what is to come, for hearing your prayers, concerns and most of all just for who He is.. the God who loves you!


  1. it is true let go and let God but it is so easy to fall back to self-will. Seek ye first is very important to remember and trusting God. It is easy to want to go buy a lotto ticket to get out of the debt that burdens me and to move back to the Pacific NW from AZ but learning to trust in God is more profitable in the long run.

  2. Thank you for your comment. Yes, it is hard waiting without knowing Gods plan. However, Jeremiah 29:11-13 tells us that God has only good things in store for us. He's always looking out for us and even goes before us to prepare the way. Jesus never said it would be easy but He did say it would be worth it. We gain faith through prayer. Keep praying and God will make a way.


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