The entire reason for our existence is because of the creator's Love for us. Love is the reason He sent His Son Jesus to take on punishment for our sins. It was because of His Love for us that He made the ultimate sacrifice. The only message we should be sending to the world is that message of Love.
The greatest commandment He has given us is to Love! Love is not only a commandment but is also a decision and through that decision to love, the appropriate actions will follow. That doesn't necessarily mean that people are going to love us when we show them love but it does mean that when we love others, we will express it through our actions just as God expressed His love for us through His actions of sending Jesus to die in our place on the cross for our sins.
So what message are you preaching to the world? When the world gets hateful, do you harden your heart? Do you seek revenge and retaliate? Do you laugh and scoff at them? Or just maybe it's not affecting you at all. None of the above are an expression of the message of love that we are meant to send to others and if it's not love that we are portraying then is it really coming from God or from the evil one? Each one of us, needs to check our hearts daily to see what message we are essentially sending and preaching and each day we need to die to ourselves and allow God to renew our hearts and minds.
With each passing day as the world becomes even more unstable to even what we've known before the year 2020, and now coming into 2021, whether we realize it or not, the things we see and hear are tainting us with ungodly perceptions. Our hearts can be hardened by the way that others treat us. Our hearts can be hardened by not knowing what's happening in our world today. The risk we take when we allow ungodly words and actions to harden our hearts is that we too may end up being one of the elite that will fall away. If we are harboring unforgiveness, anger, vengeance, lies and deception, the message that we preach won't come from a heart of love and therefore our actions cannot show the love that we are commanded to express to others.
The Bible tells us that faith without works is dead. This also means that only doing works or serving without a relationship with God is also dead. Actions without a Relationship are simply just that.. actions. If we are doing actions through our works but don't care enough to pursue and have a real relationship with God then it's time to ask ourselves if we are truly loving God and living to please Him or are we really just living to please others for selfish reasons in order to get a pat on the back? If it's the latter then it's not a message of love. Remember.. love is a decision, followed up by appropriate actions that come from love.
The first thing we need to do in order to follow our Creators definition of Love, is to make the decision to accept and follow Jesus. His life is a pattern and guide for how we are to Love others.
When first we seek God, the bible says that He will be found and in finding Him, accepting Him and following His teachings, we learn the real way to Love one another and Jesus.
Jesus is the gateway.. Jesus is the only way.. Jesus gave up everything out of His love for us.. Jesus is our example..
Loving God.. That's why we were created. Loving others.. that's the message we should all be sending.
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