June 12, 2012

Defining Moments Lead To Refining Times

Ever notice how many trials we go through on a daily basis?

From the time we wake til the time we go to bed, there will be something that tugs at us throughout the day. It may be weighing heavily or it may just be subtle in comparison to past trials. So why are we constantly plagued with daily trials?  The answer may be simpler than we think. There are defining moments in refining times. Your defining moments are those things that you think about. These are things that are brought to our attention that we either need to deal with or work on for ourselves. When we allow it to, trials will show us just who we have become.

Listen to the words you speak.
Pay attention to your body language and facial expressions.
Tune into the thoughts going through your mind as you listen to others speak. 

Your defining moments can either make you or break you. If you choose to think negatively, you will project negatively. If you choose to think positively, you will project positively. It’s really that simple. Now, it’s easier said than done due to the flesh wanting to be in control.  How do we control or flesh?  We actually can tame our flesh through the Spirit. You have heard the saying, “you put bad in then you get bad out”? Well the same is true for the Spirit. You put good in and you will put good out.  Basically it’s all biblical, “we reap what we sow”. So in essence, our defining moments can be made into our refining times IF we choose to see what the message is all about. 

Your thoughts are a message to yourself.
Your thoughts capture your heart and project your TRUE self to others. If you are projecting negativity, then you need to check your Spiritual walk. If you are projecting positive outlooks for yourself as well as towards others, then keep it up! God is working in your life and it’s evident!

Let your defining trials be a wake up call into a refining time for your life. Take a good look at your words AND your actions. Line them up with the Word of God and the guiding Spirit that the Lord has gifted to you and as your eyes begin to open up, you will see beauty where you never saw it possible before.

As you go through the refining process you will begin to see through God’s eyes. You will be made more fully alive and it’s only when you are alive that you can see just how dead you really were. 

Let your defining moments lead you to refining times. You can only go up from there!

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