June 13, 2015

Love & Judgment

What is judgment?  What is not? What does scripture have to say about it?

There has been a lot of controversy stated lately due to the Bruce Jenner story and I'm seeing more and more of my real life and fb friends taking Biblical truths out of context in order to justify sinful behaviors.  So I'm going too talk a little about sin, judgment, love and forgiveness.

Judgement is not.. caring for a person enough to point them in the right direction by helping them recognize what is sinful.

Judgment is.. when we treat others differently because of their sins. As Christians we are not to conform to, condone or accept the ways of the world but rather set ourselves apart from it.

Scripture tells us that God calls homosexuality an abomination to Him. He is not for it but is against it in such a strong way that he rained down fire and brimstone and destroyed the entire cities of Soddom and Gomorrah. He gives us all a chance to turn from our wicked ways because He loves us all... but He will not condone the sin.

God is not the author of confusion but rather gives us a spirit of peace and of a sound mind. In regard to social media as well as direct confrontation.. we must be careful what we post and say for the Bible also says that it is better for us to have a millstone cast around our neck and be thrown into the sea than it is for us to lead one of His children astray.

We have to know the Biblical truths and not take bits and pieces and make it what we want it to mean so that we can justify our fleshly behaviors and beliefs. 

We all have opinions and strong feelings but that doesn't mean that they are the right opinions and the right feelings that we have. If our thoughts, our minds and hearts aren't governed by the actual truth then there is no basis to our opinions and without facts we have a flawed conclusion.

Its imperative that we seek the truth before we act out on our opinions. That being said.. here is a fact as stated in the Bible..

it is not an opinion that God loves YOU.. but hates the sin.

Yes, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God but All can also be forgiven (except the unforgivable sin of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit) and He can and will renew all those that come to Him asking for Him to forgive them and seek to make Him Lord over their lives.

He can and will change that person and make them who He desires them to be. 

He can and will remove the old person and make them new and more like Him. 
All we have to do is ask through prayer.

If you are someone who wants to truly know Jesus and be the person He desires you to be then please repeat this prayer:

Jesus I've heard about you and I want what you desire for me. I know I cant make these changes on my own but I'm going to trust that you can and will make me new and more like you. I ask you now to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart.. save me from myself.
Life is hard and full of choices so I ask you to renew my mind, my body and send your spirit to help guide me each day to only say and do things that are pleasing to you. I acknowledge that I'm a sinner and I thank you for loving me and forgiving me and for saving me.. in Jesus name.. Amen.

If you've just said this prayer..congratulations! You've just taken the most important step to turning your life around! Life will still be hard but remember that there's always a lesson in our trials that will help us to grow into the person you just prayed about becoming.

I encourage you now to get and stay connected by finding a local church that stays true to the Bible for it is Gods instruction manual for your life. Read it and apply it to your life. Its the Living Word and each time you read you will get something new out of it that applies to your life in that very moment.

I would also encourage you to fellowship with other Christians that will help hold you accountable so you aren't pulled back into the old lifestyle. Let God work on you for a while then He may use you to help your friends. Don't worry about trying to pull them up before you get on the chair. You have to be firmly planted on that chair before you can help someone else climb up on that chair too or you to can be pulled back down.

Get a Bible and read it.. Start with the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Get connected and get plugged in to church it will help you stay on the right path.

Make some new Christian friends and work on establishing communication with your Father through prayer and giving thanks to Him. 

Love the person..don't condone the sin but help point others to the forgiver of sins.

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