May 05, 2013

Without Vision.. Strength Is Lost

Samson still had vision though not by sight..

Samson's strength was in the covenant that was made with God and as a symbol of that covenant, his hair was not to be cut lest it severe that covenant. Samson was a mighty man of valor. His strength was unmatched. When Delilah tricked him so that they could cut his hair.. he lost his strength. His eyes were also gouged. In this segment we will discuss the reasoning behind why they gouged his eyes while knowing he had already lost his strength in a way that they could now overpower him.

Samson still had vision! Not by sight but by his faith in the Lord.
If you still have the vision, you can get the strength back. Without the vision, the strength is lost.

But Samson had to act out his faith and believing. So he began to pray and walk around in a circle and as he did, a supernatural thing began to take place. His hair began to grow back.

You see..what the enemy tried to take away, God began to restore through his faith by calling upon The Lord in the midst of trouble.

God wants us to pray and tell him what we want. But then He wants us to be still, wait and watch Him turn our trials into great blessings that will bring about growth and restoration according to His will and not our own.

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