February 16, 2013

Let Go.. Walk Boldly and Experience God

We can believe in Jesus and still not be where Jesus desires us to be in our walk with Him.. It's time to Let Go!

One of my spiritual gifts is that of prophecy through dreams. However, I've began to have visions when God desires and on one occasion one vision was so powerful that it brought me to my knees and I learned the true meaning of the word Christian.. Which is one who will take a stand for the Lord at any costs. I have had many prophetic dreams and have watched them come to pass over the years as well. Discernment would be another gift the Lord has seen to bless me with over the years. I'll start by explaining what happened to me and how this experience completely changed my life. 

Twenty-Five years ago I died for nearly 6 minutes while giving birth to my twins. I had an out of body experience and during this time I experienced a few things that also changed my entire view of life. I recognized more than ever how we are spiritual beings and understand more than most about why we are here, the vision and the purpose. I have had a very bold yet calm spirit speaking through me ever since. I've had my times of derailment but always come back to the Lord. By the same token because of this, satan comes at me very hard and has even used against me, the church and others that proclaim to be Christians.

One of my callings is to show those that believe they are Christian, the real and right way to live and that being according to His word. So many really believe that because they believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that that's all it takes for them to be reconciled with God the Father. But that's simply not true. While that is the first step, the Bible which houses Gods words and divine direction and guidance for our lives and our eyes to be enlightened to Truth, states that we are to turn from our wicked ways which is repentance of our sins. In doing so, it's the way to that Truth and will lead us into a righteous standing with our Father in heaven. We will gain a real and everlasting relationship with Him! This means that we will take a stand in His name, literally taking up the cross and following Jesus.

We must be willing to let go of the things of this world and open our hearts, minds and eyes to the Lord so that He can minister through us to reach all of His children.

We can believe in Jesus and still not be where Jesus desires us to be in our walk with Him. It's plainly written that we must become as little children and we must OBEY His teachings and follow hard after Him. Just going to church and having a feel good moment where the pastor speaks, it touches our emotions and we accept Christ is NOT going to bring us back to our first love!! So many are going to miss the boat and it saddens me greatly. Gods word needs to be watered so that it can take root in us and begin to grow. Gods word is alive and we need to realize this by believing in it.

Another thing God revealed to me through His word is that the greatest test of all is what we choose to do with our own free will. I made the decision to give it back to Him. My life drastically changed when I did this. My eyes were opened more to the spiritual things. I received more spiritual gifts, more knowledge, more wisdom, a boldness to profess and teach and a huge change in the way I think, see, respond and do things. I truly desire for people to see past "me" and not only see but to experience God in ways He's allowed me to experience Him.

Many years ago I was leading worship when God spoke through me a message so powerful that every adult and child dropped to their knees crying out for the Lord. A new youth pastor was supposed to speak for the first time that night but God had other plans. The Spirit was so strong that teenage boys lay curled up in a fetal position on the floor as they cried out to the Lord. Gods presence was so strong that everyone that was standing was brought to their knees and those that tried to stay standing or tried to stand back up could not. No one could speak but could only cry with moans and groans out to the Lord. God chose to use me to deliver the message and I and while holding onto a piano and crying through the words, my mind was still wondering why He would choose lil ole me. The entire praise team and sound technicians were on their knees. There was a haze moving above the congregation through the church and I knew it was the Spirit of the Lord. Because I was faced towards the people and the praise team lay sobbing face down behind me, I'm not sure if anyone else saw this haze but I remember it well. There was a presence wrapped in that haze as it lingered above the crowd of people and I know every person in that room felt it even if they could not see it. As I write this I am shaking as I remember the most incredible experience of my life. The youth pastor and associate pastor both tried to come to the stage but neither could step up before God brought them to their knees. They crawled to a microphone and as they cried between words they motioned for all to come to the front for prayer together.  What an Incredible experience and one that I have longed for ever since!

Church..This is what God is wanting to bring to us. He truly desires for us to experience HIM!! But we are our own hindrance and it is we that keep ourselves from experiencing God!

My calling is to bring His presence to the people and help move the people into His presence by allowing God to use and move through me, my words, my actions and by using the gifts, skills and talents He has sought fit to give. I have found this to be the hardest thing I've ever experienced even within the church. Yes, you read that right. Many a church has closed it's doors to allowing God to freely move. We have, even at times unconciously, put God on a time scale every week. Just when the spirit starts moving, we quench the spirit. Let me tell you something.. I experienced being on Gods time scale when my spirit left my body 25 years ago and I can tell you in all certainty that there is NO time scale. I in my spirit form was content and had no concept of time. It's very hard to explain. I will write about my divine death/life encounter in another letter soon. 

Time is a man made adaption to the things taking place in the world around us. The way God uses time is meant to bring us into a deeper and meaningful, everlasting relationship with Him.. And THAT is what I long for again.

We are missing out!!! We rarely allow God to "steal our show" in the church anymore.  We need to let God have His rightful place.  Afterall, it is God who is the director in His house and yet we seem to think it's okay to tell Him when it's time to stop talking or to stop singing or to stop praying. It's sad but its true. God desires so very much more for us and we are literally keeping ourselves from experiencing all He wants to show us. Those miracles in the Bible have been long forgotten both in and out of the church in a "here and now, Gods not dead He's surely alive" sense of meaning. It breaks my heart and I'm literally craving and starving for another movement of God like that that I have already experienced and I want more! I want to see us all have more of what God desires for us. In order for this to happen though, we have to be brought back to our knees in prayer, open our mouths and stand boldly in His name and some of us need to stop fighting for "our way" and start listening to Gods way.

I know first hand that our faith can move mountains. This is not to be taken lightly. God said it..it will be done.. but we have to believe! I ran over my cat years ago and through the prayers of 2 people, God brought that cat back to life after being dead for an hour. Another divine experience is when God healed me of severe asthma that had stricken me suddenly and had me practically living in the hospital every week on a breathing machine, meds, shots, and more for an entire year. The church prayed during my baptism in 2000 and mine coupled with the church's faith literally made me well! Today I sing not just because I want to or like to but more so because I believe that God healed me so that I could sing for Him. It is a huge part of my calling that I refuse to quench.

Christians.. I am speaking and pleading with you.. we are missing out because we cry out to God in hope but we never get to the truly believing part that God will do what He said He would do! I'll say it again..

God desires us to experience HIM in all His glory... But it is us that puts a hindrance on ourselves and quench the spirit.

Allow God to move and sit back and watch what He WILL do!

Oh to God be the glory. Father how we long for your presence and your touch. God we welcome you to bring about your bold spirit in your people and we cry out to you to save us from ourselves. Let your spirit flow from our mouths and teach us your right ways. Move among your people, break these chains we have placed around ourselves and have allowerd others to place around us....set us free!!! God we long to experience YOU!!!  In Jesus name - Amen.

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