August 18, 2012

Press In To Keep Pressing On..

Don't give up!

I chose to speak to you about this after spending time in prayer with the Lord today.  I felt a real sense of urgency to write this. So bear with me as I write for I let the Lord lead and as you already know from my writings, when the Lord leads it can get a bit lengthy.  I’ve just learned to accept that God has a lot to say and I’m grateful that He takes the time to pour into us all like He does and therefore the length of the message or how long I have to write does not faze me. The longer the better!  It simply means that God cares for us.  Which brings me to the first point. 

In 1 Peter 5:7 we are directed to “cast all our cares upon the Lord, for He cares for us”.. simply put.. God sees, hears and knows all. Everything about you, He already knows.

The Bible teaches us in Matthew 10:30 that “the very hairs of our head are all numbered”.  Now there is a message God is trying to get through to us because it is repeated again in Luke 12:7 saying “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows”. 

So when we combine these three scriptures together we get the fulfillment in knowing that God’s desire is for us to press into Him in order for us to keep pressing on.  He knows our pain and our struggles and apart from Him we can do nothing. If we truly want to get through the battle we are in, we must realize first that God is here for us. Notice I didn’t say “there” but rather “here”.  I like to think of God in more present terms because He abides in us and is in the here and the now. 

I posted a while back about counting your blessings and how I personally took note of His blessings. Through this life lesson I have learned to see God in the here and now and not the “there”.  God is not over there!  God is here!  He is here to help us through everything that we face RIGHT NOW!  I don’t know about you but just knowing this gives me an abundance of comfort, peace and strength to keep pressing into Him so that He can help me to keep pressing on in life.
Now I want to talk to you about the devil and his purpose.  Sometimes life seems unbearable and honestly that’s satan’s job and you have to admit that sometimes satan plays us like a fiddle and we dance to his own tune through our negative emotions.  Oh how he loves to bring us down until we feel that we are unworthy and unlovable and plants thoughts in our minds of how God could never love, hear us nor could ever receive us again for the things we’ve done.  Well first we have to wipe those thoughts from our minds and we can do this when we see satan for what he really is..a liar, a thief, a destroyer and devourer. His number one purpose is to keep God off our minds and out of our hearts.  He does this by feeding us lies about ourselves. So how do we get this to stop? 
Well for one.. we first have to be honest and acknowledge that the problem lies within us.  Painful I know but if you want to rise above it and overcome it, you have to acknowledge that it’s there. So now that we’ve identified the problem then what? We have to remind ourselves that the Bible tells us in 1 John 4:4 that “greater is He (God) that is in me than he (satan) that is in the world”..we are God’s children and we HAVE overcome because God is greater in us than satan is in the world. 
This means that WE have been given the authority to overcome the devil.  But now.. how do we do THIS?  Well I know it’s hard for some of us but we have to Press In by getting in tune with God’s word and with His Spirit that lives within us.  We have to discipline ourselves and line our minds up with the Lord.
Once we line our minds up then an amazing thing begins to happen.. our heart lines up, our desires change to what God wants for us and this means that we can actually tame our flesh through the Word of God. The benefits we receive from this transformation are that we get the Peace that surpasses all of our worldly understanding or lack of, the Understanding of how God is in control of every area of our lives and all He asks of us is to be submissive to His will.
God will also bless us with the Wisdom to make better choices and all of this brings out the Joy of the Lord which will give us the Strength to keep Pressing On and when we Press In we will find that in those times where we felt so alone in our problems; we never were for God was with us the entire time. He was just waiting for us to Press In to Him so that He could give us what we need to keep Pressing On.
So speak to the devil and say, “I am not who YOU say I am but I AM who God says I am”.. you may have to say this many times a day but keep saying it and you will feel yourself getting stronger each time. Next thing you know you will no longer be confused or angry at the situation but you will be redirecting your focus to what’s really going on with how satan seeks to destroy you and in doing so you will begin to BELIEVE that YOU ARE who GOD says you are!


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